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If you do not agree with any term or provision of our Terms and Conditions you should not use our Site, Services, Content or Information. Please be advised that your continued use of the Site, Services, Content, or Information provided shall indicate your consent and agreement to our Terms and Conditions.

Wiseguy may publish testimonials or descriptions of past performance but these results are NOT typical, are not indicative of future results or performance, and are not intended to be a representation, warranty or guarantee that similar results will be obtained by you.

Your results may differ materially from those expressed or utilized by Wiseguy due to a number of factors. We do not track the typical results of our past or current customers. As a provider of educational courses, we do not have access to the personal trading accounts or brokerage statements of our customers. As a result, we have no reason to believe our customers perform better or worse than traders as a whole.

Available research data suggests that most stock traders are NOT profitable.

In a research paper published in 2014 titled “Do Day Traders Rationally Learn About Their Ability?”, professors from the University of California studied 3.7 billion trades from the Taiwan Stock Exchange between 1992-2006 and found that only 9.81% of day trading volume was generated by predictably profitable traders and that these predictably profitable traders constitute less than 3% of all day traders on an average day.

In a 2005 article published in the Journal of Applied Finance titled “The Profitability of Active Stock Traders” professors at the University of Oxford and the University College Dublin found that out of 1,146 brokerage accounts day trading the U.S. markets between March 8, 2000 and June 13, 2000, only 50% were profitable with an average net profit of $16,619.

In a 2003 article published in the Financial Analysts Journal titled “The Profitability of Day Traders”, professors at the University of Texas found that out of 334 brokerage accounts day trading the U.S. markets between February 1998 and October 1999, only 35% were profitable and only 14% generated profits in excess of $10,000.

The range of results in these three studies exemplify the challenge of determining a definitive success rate for day traders. At a minimum, these studies indicate at least 50% of aspiring day traders will not be profitable. This reiterates that consistently making money trading stocks is not easy. Day Trading is a high risk activity and can result in the loss of your entire investment. Any trade or investment is at your own risk.

Any and all information discussed is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered tax, legal or investment advice. A referral to a stock or commodity is not an indication to buy or sell that stock or commodity.

This does not represent our full Disclaimer. Please read our complete disclaimer.

Citations for Disclaimer
Barber, Brad & Lee, Yong-Ill & Liu, Yu-Jane & Odean, Terrance. (2014). Do Day Traders Rationally Learn About Their Ability?. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Garvey, Ryan and Murphy, Anthony, The Profitability of Active Stock Traders. Journal of Applied Finance , Vol. 15, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2005. Available at SSRN:

Douglas J. Jordan & J. David Diltz (2003) The Profitability of Day Traders, Financial Analysts Journal, 59:6, 85-94, DOI: